DOAF partnered with ACFA project which is currently been implemented by SallahArts Printing and Design in The Gambia.The duo with the support of USET Students and students from UWE Bristol engaged in art Advocacy exercise at the entrance of the Abuko Nature Reserve .
The railings and the walls of the reserve park were painted with animals and bright colors to call attention to the Nature Reserve, by its gallant new look designed by UWE Students.
Sallaharts through the Articipation Creative For All Project( ACFA) supported to coordination and materials like oil paints, acrylics Paints ,sets of Brushes, turpentine and ladder for the day activity. Our artist associates of Galloya Art Village Musa and Amadou also graced the activities with their artistic skills.
Special thanks to Pauline of DOAF for connecting a great Personalities with same visions to make this achievable special thanks to management Students of USET and Dawda Secka. Thanks to all participants and volunteers in doing noble activity of giving our Nature reserve a newlook.